Ightenhill Primary School

To be the best that we can be.

After-school club and Breakfast club

Our After-school club is open:


Monday  - Thursday:  3:30pm - 5:15pm.

Friday: 3.30pm to 4:30pm.  


The cost is currently £6.00 per session which includes a drink and snack along with organised activities.  


Money is payable in advance and places must be booked on ParentPay.  


The club is staffed by our own school staff and parents wishing to place their children in the after school club should ring the school office on 01282 428246  for further information. Our After School Club is based in the Phizz Lab - parents will need to collect their children from this building accessible from our Oak Street entrance.


Our 'before school care' Breakfast club operates from 7.45am until 9.00am.  Children are looked after by staff from school who provide quiet games and activities until it is time for school for the cost of £4.00 per day, which includes breakfast. Our breakfast club is based in the Phiz Lab, this is accessible from Oak Street. All payments need to be made  using ParentPay.


Please contact the school office on 01282 428246 for further information.



Making pizzas


Here are some photos of After School Club making and enjoying their own pizzas. 
