To be the best that we can be.
Year 6
In Geography, we are learning about North America. Today we learnt about the similarities between the physical geography of North America and the United Kingdom. Here we are using our map skills to identify physical and human features in North America.
At Ightenhill we celebrated 'Earth Day' with lots of different activites in every class.
Class 3
The children looked at plastic pollution and how we can reduce it. They emptied a few lunch bags after dinner to look at what was left and put it into piles of items that can be recycled, items that can be reused and things that would have to be thrown away. The children had a super afternoon doing this activity and really learnt about recycling.
Class 10
In Class 10 the children discussed ways of how we can save the planet. They all decided on 3 things each that they were going to do themselves.
In Reception, we enjoy going for walks to our local park. During our walk to the park we look at our local area and discuss the features or our immediate environment. We like to go and visit the same tree every time we go so that we can make observations of the animals and plants and talk about changes from one season to another.
To introduce our exciting topic, 'What a Wastle!', we had a visit from Sarah Roberts, who is the author of the book 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'. This is a lovely story about sea animals but it also has a very important environmental message about plastic pollution. Sarah Roberts talked to the children about why it is important to look after our oceans and how we can help.
Corridor 2
Children have been exploring the question 'How is the Caribbean different to Burnley?'. During this topic the children have been looking at maps of the world and labeling the different continents and oceans.