To be the best that we can be.
Presenting Data
In year 4, the children have been gathering, handling and presenting data in different ways on Purple Mash.
In computing, year 2 have been making algorithms in coding. The children learnt about the timer button and how we can use this to sequence events.
The children had to design a background and choose characters to create a scene. The children then had to create a simple code to get their characters to move on the screen.
Class 8 have been learning how to use the cells on a spreadsheet. They have been identifying cells based on their row and column address. Their first activity was to create a tree following table of instructions at the side. In the next lesson the children had to colour cells in to make a picture and their friends had to write down the row and column address of the cells.
Class 5 have been learning how to use excel. They have collected their own data about their friends favourite animals and have been able to translate their data into bar graphs.
Year 2 have been learning how to send emails, a key life skill. They have been practising their typing on a keyboard and they had a lot of fun messaging their friends.