Ightenhill Primary School

To be the best that we can be.

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3  

Class teacher - Mrs Taylor


Mrs Woodcock teaches Science and PSHE on a Thursday.

Mrs Atherton teaches RE and Art/DT on a Monday afternoon and Computing on a Friday afternoon.


Support Staff - Mrs Gallery and Miss Atkinson



Parents, please head to our Class Dojo page for photographs and videos of our learning.

Hello and Welcome!


Hello! My name is Mrs Taylor, and I am the teacher in Class 3. We are very lucky to also have Mrs Woodcock, Mrs Atherton, Mrs Gallery and Miss Atkinson working with us this year. 


The children have had a fantastic start to Year 1. They have all settled into their new routines and have enjoyed catching up with friends after the summer holiday. 


In Class 3, the children have PE each Tuesday. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. We have lots of fun learning in Class 3, but it is thirsty work, so please send a filled water bottle each day. The weather is very changeable at this time of year, so it is always wise to send a coat with a hood. We don't let a bit of rain put us off having a blast of fresh air!


Be sure to keep checking our Class Dojo page, for lots of photographs and videos of our work in class. We love to show off!


If you have any questions, please send me a Class Dojo message, or speak to me at home time. 


Mrs Taylor 

Fantastic Class 3!

Our School Values

We use our School Values to celebrate positive behaviour and to reflect on how 'To be the best that we can be.'  Our School Values are becoming embedded in our curriculum and are modelled by staff and pupils.
