To be the best that we can be.
If you were an Engineer, what would you do?
Year 1 have started the mechanisms topic by learning how to use split pins to create a rotating movement. They have been introduced to the word 'pivot' and have created little people with moving limbs.
At Ightenhill, the children have been practising their sewing skills in our Textiles topic. Year 1 & 2 have been making a bookmark and year 3 & 4 have been making cushion. Year 5 & 6 have been sewing Christmas decorations. During the topic, the children had to create a range of designs, select their favourite and produce a final product. At the end of the topic, the children evaluated the process and product. The children really enjoyed building their sewing technique and getting creative.
As part of a design and technology project, alongside Primary Engineer in Burnley, all the children have been designing, creating and testing their own cars and in year 5 their own cranes. Throughout the project, the children learned about pulleys, gears, levers, counter-balances and structures, before using their new-found understanding to design and make a car or crane that could drive up a ramp or raise and lower different objects.
While proving to be a challenge, the children thoroughly enjoyed the project and displayed great teamwork and problem solving skills throughout.