Ightenhill Primary School

To be the best that we can be.

Photos 2020-2021

Class 4

In Class 4, the children have drawn a self portrait using pencils and watercolours. This links with their topic book ‘Here we are’ as the book looks at people from around the world, mentioning that we may all look different, sound different and act different but we are all still people.

Class 5

Class 5 have been focusing on accurate drawing techniques and still life. In this lesson, they had to follow instructions to create an accurate tree drawing.

Class 6

Class 6 have been  looking at still life, drawing fruit and shading using cross hatch technique.

Class 10

Class 10 have been learning about Ancient Greek pottery. In this lesson, Class 10 were looking at the 'red figure technique' used by the Ancient Greeks to create patterns on their pots using oil pastels and black paint.
