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Science Challenges
Can you complete one of our science challenges?
If you manage to complete one, please email me on so I can share your amazing work on this page!
The changing seasons
Can you complete the leaves for the trees in each season? There are four seasons every year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In each of these seasons, the leaves change on the trees.
Download and print the document to get the outline of each tree.
You could use paint, colouring pencils, colouring pens or tissues paper to complete the leaves.
Similarities and Differences
Read and learn about bees from the picture below. Then answer the questions about similarities and differences between bees and other animals.
You will need:
What to do
1. Cut a strip of paper towel
2. On a short edge, use markers to make a strip of blocks in the colors of the rainbow.
3. Tape the top of the paper towel to a vertical surface and put only one end in the dish.
4. Gently pour water into the bottom of the container and watch what happens!
As the paper towel absorbs the water, the capillary action will carry the water along with the marker ink up the paper towel. After the colours climb up or meet in the middle, you have your very own rainbow!
Paper Hovercrafts
The pocket under the hovercrafts trap air and create a zone of high pressure. Further, the air moving over the craft has lower pressure. This difference creates lift and gets rid of the friction that normally holds the paper in place on the table. Without friction holding it back, a little breath is all it takes to get the hovercraft speeding on its way!
What melts in the sun?
For this experiment you will need to gather the following things: