Ightenhill Primary School

To be the best that we can be.

PE Challenges

PE Challenges

Can you complete one of our PE challenges? They will certainly get your heart beat racing! 

If you manage to do it, please email me with a picture or video on ightenhillclass4@ightenhill.lancs.sch.uk so I can share your amazing work on this page!

Over arm throwing activity

Let's learn a new skill!

The aim is to develop the skill of distance and accuracy when overarm throwing.


Task 1: Complete the below activity seeing how far you can throw an item with your dominant hand.

Task 2: Complete it again but try with your other hand


Practice makes perfect – play the following game with a parent, carer or sibling


Here is a link that demonstrates how to do it.



Let's get moving!

The recommended amount of physical activity for children aged 5-18 is 60 minutes a day. 


Here is a week lot of fun activities. The link of each days activity is below. 


A lot of this weeks challenges involve using youtube. Stay safe if you are going on Youtube and make sure your grown up knows what you are doing. 


Mini Fitness Challenges

Outdoor fitness challenge
