To be the best that we can be.
PE Lockdown Lessons
Each week, the Burnley School Sports Partnership will provide us with a resource card of lessons to keep you active at home. All the information is on the card, including a video to explain how to complete the activity.
Have fun!
Athletics (week commencing 11th January)
This week, the activities will focus on athletics.
Games (week commencing 18th January 2021)
This week, the focus will be on games.
Dance (week commencing 25th January 2021)
This week, the focus is on dance.
Orienteering (week commencing 1st February 2021)
This week, the focus is on orienteering.
Home Learning
Evie’s design Kaiden-Ellis’s design
Courtney has also been busy at home writing a set of rules and equipment list for her chosen sport.