To be the best that we can be.
In order for children to learn and enjoy science, these principles are at the heart of all science teaching and learning at Ightenhill:
Ightenhill Science Principles
Revised: September 2022
A Snapshot of Science Events...
Travelling Science with Adrian Bowden
This week, the children enjoyed watching and taking part in a 'Travelling Science' Show by Adrian Bowden. Our Key Stage 2 children learnt all about 'fascinating forces' including learning about air resistance, up thrust, friction, water resistance and magnetism. It was a superb afternoon and there was even a little audience participation!
Travelling Science
This week has been an exciting week for our year 5 and 6 children as we welcomed Adrian Bowden to our school for an amazing fun-filled science show. The children had a wonderful afternoon learning about different materials such as solids, liquids and gases. Take a look at some of the things we got up to...
Phiz Lab Grand Opening
Today, has been a busy day for science at Ightenhill with the opening of the first North-West Ogden Trust Phiz Lab. There was a fantastic buzz in our lab as we welcomed schools from our Ogden cluster to visit the lab to take part in a number of scientific activities delivered by the children of our cluster schools. We cannot wait to use the new lab and hope to organise a number of family learning evenings where parents can enjoy all things science with their children.
Please click here to read our story in the Burnley Express.
Today in school, we have been lucky enough to welcome Tim Harrison. Tim works in Bristol ChemLabS as a School Teacher Fellow and Outreach Director and has spent many years fascinating children about the wonderful world of chemistry.
It was a truly fantastic opportunity to watch Tim excite and enthuse the children and most importantly allow them to question the world around us.
We cannot thank everyone enough for making this afternoon a huge success which left the children spellbound!