Ightenhill Primary School

To be the best that we can be.

Craft Challenges

Craft Challenges

Can you complete one of our craft challenges? 

If you manage make something crafty, please email me on ightenhillclass3@ightenhill.lancs.sch.uk so I can share your amazing work on this page!

Bow tie pasta butterfly craft

Get some bow tie pasta and create a beautiful butterfly picture. You can either colour the pasta with felt tip pens or you can paint them.

Spiral snake mobiles

Download and print the PDF. Then colour in your snake and cut around the lines to make a spiral snake mobile. Alternatively, if you cannot print, you can draw a swirly snake, colour and cut it out.

Rock Painting

Grab some pebbles and challenge your class to create their own pet rocks! You can add pipe cleaner tails, card wings, googly eyes – anything!

Lego printing

Can you follow the steps to draw these pictures?

The Gruffalo forest school challenge

Why not try making a nature collage?

Whilst you're out on your daily walk, collect some leaves, twigs and other interesting things you fine. Once you get back home, you can use them to create an interesting collage. Please look after the trees and plants by only taking things you find on the ground. Once your collage is complete, remember to email it to us! Have fun! 